Friday, April 13, 2012


As you all know my love for bacon and bacon related things, I have prepared a list of 5 bacon facts and 5 bacon-derived products for bacon lovers : 
1. Bacon comes from the pork belly.
2. Bacon Salt.
3. Sept.3 is "International Bacon Day".
4. Bacon-flavored mayonnaise, which is vegan and vegetarian.
5. Bacon cures hangovers.
6. Bacon-flavored popcorn.
7. Canadian Bacon is NOT real bacon, it is actually smoked pork loin.
8. Chocolate covered bacon.
9. Bacon and eggs are eaten together 71% of the time.
10. Bacon scented car air freshener.
And for more bacon products, go to, under the section called "Caffeine and Edibles". 
This post is dedicated to my godfather, Carlos Corrada, who loves bacon as much as I do.
Have a great weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, awesome post!
    I just learned from this post that bacon cures hangovers. I'm not sure how this would work, but it sure sounds like the best hangover cure ever! Will definitely try it!
    Also, as much as i LOVE bacon, I'm not sure I would like to return to a bacon-smelling car.
    Finally, we MUST have a bacon party on International Bacon Day!!
