Friday, November 16, 2012


Hey! So yesterday, I participated in a competition where you had to recite capitals of the world. So, it had 30 kids from schools all around the municipality and the schools had to send at least one kid (if they found someone willing to do it) from 4th grade, 5th grade and 6th grade. My school sent a kid (he's called Diego) from 6th and me (5th). The competition took place in The School of San Juan's ampitheatre and the kids were so smart and only 10 had been eliminated by round 16, they decided that with the other 16, they decided that they would use a reserve list of capitals, because the others ran out and anyone who was left after that round would win first place, and fifty dollars, and me and the other kid finished first place, along with 11 other kids. The photo to the right is, from left to right, my Social Studies teacher, me, and my partner in the competition.

Happy weekend!



  1. Hi Maria! My name is Raquel and I am a friend of your father Nico. I enjoy your blogs and each week I wonder what will be the next cool thing you will be sharing with us. Keep up the great work! You Rock!

    PS. Your teacher looks a lot like my friend Rosael !

    1. In fact, my teacher's name is Rosael Rodriguez

  2. Hi! Glad you are doing ok after your stay at the hospital. And glad that you are a fan of geography, I am too!
