Friday, January 3, 2014


Hey guys! Today we're discussing Tiny Death Star! Tiny Death Star is a Star Wars themed game in which you help Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine reconstruct their Death Star by building civilian levels on top of Imperial levels so the revenue earned by civilians funds the evil plans of the Sith. There are 5 types of different civilian levels: Residential, Food, Retail, Recreation, and Service, and then obviously there are the Imperial levels. When you first download the app, you are assigned missions to start your Death Star, and then you set off on your own. You use the Coins (or Imperial Credits) to buy levels and stock inventory, and you use the Imperial Bux to accelerate construction or stocking times, summon supply officers to the Imperial levels, or convert them to Credits. Then the VIP's start to appear. A VIP is a special person helps you complete a task, for example, the Recruiting Officer fills up a Residential level and a Supply Officer helps an Imperial level produce its inventory of Rebel Secrets, for example. You can also unlock special characters like Luke Skywalker, Leia, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Yoda, Darth Vader, etc. I think Tiny Death Star is AWESOME! I already have 50 levels! The game is free and available on iOS, Android, the Amazon Appstore, and Windows Phone. My Dad and I are hooked on it :) 

For more info on Tiny Death Star, visit this link:

Happy weekend!


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